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Wer wir sind!


 We are we

After a long process of time of board shaping everything started out in 2004 – with the individual design of kitesurfing boards. The TWO.AG Custom Made Boards. Since this, it has been and is our goal to develop boards that simply make fun – for every style.

In this matter, the founder and shaper Uwe Schröder is not alone. In order to construct extraordinary good boards it takes a family. A family who equally shares the love to one of the most beautiful pastimes in the world: Kitesurfing – with all its facets.

All our friends and all who works for and with TWO.AG mirror the individuality that represents the sport of kitesurfing. This family brings along their wishes and needs combined with their competence and creativity, all bundled up and integrated into the development of our boards as well as the sport.

In this way together with our top female athletes Annika Selling, Heike Wycisk and Anne Valvatne, we came out with boards entirely matching the needs of all female riders out there.

The complete freestyle and freeride range is permanently improved through the perfect cooperation with Stefan Permien and Filip Wegener.

You can find our test team José Fernandez-Heller and Roland 365 days of the year on the beach.

However, it is not sufficient only to mention single persons of the family. Truly every kitesurfer who sits at home, at work, at school or wherever he or she is and watches from the window how the trees move in the wind and dreams about the next kitesurfing session makes out what TWO.AG is today.

Only your individuality decides if this next session on the water will be with a TWO.AG Custom or with a TWO.AG serial board.



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TWO.AG Group